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5 ways to get more from Skimlinks

Posted 8 years ago by Skimlinks

Here are five simple steps to help you make the most of Skimlinks’ Javascript

1. Check the Merchant Report in Publisher Hub

Learn your readers favourite merchants. In this report you’ll be able to see who your readers are showing most brand affinity towards, how much revenue the merchants are bringing in and how much they’re converting compared to clicks. It can also be useful for making relationships with merchants — a major publisher focused on parenting secured a display advertising deal with Halfords after discovering its community purchased a significant amount of products from there!

2. Check the Products Report

Once you know what merchants your readers love, you can also look at which merchants and what products your readers show particular affinity towards. With the Products Report you can also see what’s performing well at a network level to see wider trends, which is particularly useful during busy shopping seasons like the holidays and Easter.

3. High yield / low traffic

Our high yield / low traffic identify pages that are under-utilised: the revenue they drive for each click is good, but traffic is very low. With this information you can look at alternative ways to drive traffic to these pages, perhaps by refining your SEO or recommending the article on more pages across your site. We also offer a low yield / high traffic report where when possible, we’ll offer suggestions of similar products to the ones you’ve featured that offer a higher revenue per click, so you can substitute them and take advantage of the higher traffic.

4. Make use of Preferred Partner Merchants and VIPs

We have 20,000 affiliate merchants available but some offer higher commission rates than others. These merchants fall into two categories: Preferred Partners and VIP merchants. Preferred Partners offer commission rates 50% better than the base rate offered across our network, and VIPs offer rates 100% better, so it is well worth featuring their products if you can as it could make a big difference in the amount of commission you’re earning.

5. Make use of Merchant Alerts

Our newest feature alerts you when merchants launch new offers. In the Merchant Search Tab in the Publisher Hub, you can select which merchants you receive alerts from using the heart icon. These will be listed as Favourites and you’ll automatically be notified when new offers go live.

With these five simple steps you’ll be well on your way to making 2017 your best year with us. Now log in to the hub and get started!

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