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What’s new at Skimlinks? Q4 2022

Posted 2 years ago by Samantha Tamakloe-Bonaca

Welcome back to our quarterly roundup. We hope you’ve had a successful Q4! As always, we’re here to fill you in on everything...

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New from Skimlinks: Enhanced Reporting in time for the Holiday Season

Posted 2 years ago by Monika Lescevska

We are excited to announce that we have enhanced the Skimlinks Publisher Hub to ensure that you maximize all revenue opportunities...

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New Feature Alert: Reporting now available in your local time zone

Posted 2 years ago by Monika Lescevska

We know how important it is for you to have reporting in your local time. That’s why we are pleased to let you know that you can...

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Introducing: Product Bought Report API

Posted 2 years ago by Alannah Trew

Exciting news – there’s a new way to access Product Bought data from Skimlinks. We’re pleased to announce that the Product Bought...

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What’s new at Skimlinks? Q1 2022

Posted 2 years ago by Alannah Trew

Welcome to your new quarterly dive into everything new at Skimlinks. In this blog post, you’ll find a round-up of our latest feature...

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Discover Enhanced Merchant Commission Rates

Posted 2 years ago by Alannah Trew

Did you know that 50% of our Publishers' commissions comes from exclusive rates Skimlinks negotiates on their behalf? That's why...

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What’s New At Skimlinks? Recap Of Three New Product Releases

Posted 3 years ago by Monika Lescevska

Although it’s been summer in the Northern Hemisphere, we’ve been busy releasing new products and features to help Publishers grow...

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Discover DTC Merchants With A New Filter

Posted 3 years ago by Monika Lescevska

We are excited to announce the launch of our new feature which will allow Publishers to easily access our Direct-to-Consumer (DTC)...

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How does your Commerce Content perform around the world?

Posted 3 years ago by Alannah Trew

Where in the world are readers consuming your Commerce Content? The Skimlinks Country Report, available in the Publisher Hub, has...

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Merchant Programs, in Google Search Results, with Skimlinks

Posted 3 years ago by Alannah Trew

We’ve made a big change to the Skimlinks Editor Toolbar and we are excited to let you know about it. Publishers can now see if...

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