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Introducing the Product Key

The Product Key helps Publishers create commerce content with an enhanced product focus.

Updated at least once a day with rich product data for nearly 1 billion product offers globally, you can use it to feature the latest information in your content, including up-to-date:

  • Pricing
  • Discounts
  • Stock information
  • Product descriptions
  • Product images

How could you use the Product Key?

Create buy buttons and price comparison widgets

Offering alternative merchants means you create a greater user experience by easing the price comparison work for your readers.

Plus, you’ll increase the chances of conversion (and you’ll earn the commission for the sale you drive).

Build online shop pages and feature more products

An online shop page is a fantastic way of featuring extra products on your website – and more products means more revenue opportunities.

You can also build a widget to promote alternative or related products to add to your high-converting pages to drive even more sales.

Make your content dynamic

Featuring up-to-date information helps keep your content accurate and is great for your readers’ experience.

Use the Product Key to automatically update your content in buttons, widgets or text so you’re always showing the latest pricing and stock information.

Getting started is easy

Interested in the Product Key? Contact your Account Manager to learn more and discuss your needs.

Access to the Product Key is available for managed publishers in the US, UK and Australia. It’s offered at no additional cost for all merchants you monetize via Skimlinks, and we’re here to help you throughout your set-up process.

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