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Skimlinks Network Quality

Each quarter, Skimlinks has 3,250 Publishers apply to join its platform. Our team of Network Quality experts manually approve every Publisher on our platform. In fact, only 3% of Publishers who apply to join Skimlinks are accepted.

Publishers who join Skimlinks must adhere to our stringent Program Policies, which include no brand bidding on merchant brand terms and no domain names with merchant trademarks. You can view the Skimlinks Program Policies here.

We continuously monitor traffic quality and adherence to our Program Policies. We proactively remove Publishers from our platform that do not commit to the Program Policies.

A merchant can request to add a Publisher to a blocklist in our platform. When we block a Publisher, this means that we will not pay out any commission to them. Depending on cookie length, merchants may continue to see a blocked publisher in their performance reports for a short period of time.

Please note, Skimlinks does not control who and what Publishers choose to write about.  A publisher on a blocklist could still write articles about your products, however they will not earn any commission.

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